Years 7 and 8


Year 7 marks an important transition in the life of your child. Senior School requires students to be independent, organised, develop a study routine and to collaborate effectively with a larger number of teachers and students.
Students are supported in this transition throughout Year 7. They are introduced to a wide variety of subjects that allow them to explore topics in depth. Each semester, students participate in transdisciplinary learning, which requires them to apply their learning from a number of their subjects.

In Semester One, students take part in the STEAM Toy Time project, which draws on their knowledge from Science, Digital Technologies, Art and Design and Mathematics. 

The Semester Two project Assembly of Notables enables them to explore in depth the life of a notable person from history and present this information in a creative performance. 

This open-ended, transdisciplinary learning allows students to extend themselves while also developing the skills for success that they will need in life after Kilvington – communication and collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking, curiosity and creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. 


The wellbeing and mental health of students is paramount to academic success. As well as academic lessons, students are active participants in a comprehensive pastoral system, which focuses on explicitly teaching good character, coping strategies and wellbeing. You child will be allocated to a Mentor group of up to 12 students and a Mentor who will monitor and check-in with them throughout the school year.

Their personal and social development will be enhanced by participating in Character Days, Performing Arts, Year Level Meetings, Pastoral Care Time, House Meetings and Religious Education.


Your child will participate in single gender classes in English, Science and Physical Education and Health. Mathematics is tailored to each student's needs so they may be in single-gender or co-ed classes.


Your child will choose to study Japanese or French.


In Year 7, students travel to Lorne to participate in a surf camp. Your child will experience an overnight hike, beach walks, a visit to Lorne town and, of course, guided surf lessons.


Your child will experience four Character and Connection Days during Year 7. Character and Connection workshops allow students to manage and improve their relationships, reflect and strengthen their own character and resolve any social or emotional concerns. Students have the opportunity beyond the classroom to improve their overall wellbeing and given some positive tools to improve their mental health.

A major part of developing a students’ character is the act of doing for others, so this program also incorporates a link to a community service. Each level will have a theme highlighting the priority virtues for that year level in a sequential program.  We have linked with external organisations such as Mancave, Flourish Girl and The Resilience Project to add value and further expertise in these workshops.


  • Team building with trust and empathy
  • Developing confidence and self-awareness
  • Link to community service - Eat Up Australia

Thank you to the kind and generous camp leaders who helped us become a stronger year level. Overall, Year 7 Camp was an amazing experience!
— Student, Year 7​


Year 8 is an exciting year at Kilvington. Students become increasingly confident with life in Senior School and are encouraged to become independent learners who strive to achieve their personal best.
Academically, students build on the foundations of the subjects learnt in Year 7 and explore deeper and more abstract concepts. They continue to participate in transdisciplinary learning, which requires students to apply their knowledge and understanding from a range of subjects.

In Semester 2 they focus on sustainability in the Our Sustainable World project, which draws on what students have learnt in Geography, Science, Art and Digital Technologies. This open-ended, transdisciplinary learning allows students to extend themselves while also building the skills for success that they will need in life after Kilvington – collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.


The wellbeing and mental health of students is paramount to academic success. As well as academic lessons, students are active participants in a comprehensive pastoral system, which focuses on explicitly teaching good character, coping strategies and wellbeing. You child will be allocated to a Mentor group of up to 12 students and a Mentor who will monitor and check-in with them throughout the school year.

Their personal and social development will be enhanced by participating in Character Days, Performing Arts, Year Level Meetings, Pastoral Care Time, House Meetings and Religious Education.


Your child will participate in single gender classes in English, Science and Physical Education and Health. Mathematics is tailored to each student's needs so they may be in single-gender or co-ed classes.


Based on the language chosen in Year 7, your child will continue with that language in Year 8. Languages become an elective from Year 9.


Your child will travel to Wilson’s Promontory to camp close to the beach and enjoy activities such as canoeing, hiking, surfing, encounters with the local wildlife, and sharpening their cooking and performing skills via highly competitive evening events!


Your child will experience four Character and Connection Days during Year 8. Character and Connection workshops allow students to manage and improve their relationships, reflect and strengthen their own character and resolve any social or emotional concerns.  Students have the opportunity beyond the classroom to improve their overall wellbeing and given some positive tools to improve their mental health.

A major part of developing a students’ character is the act of doing for others, so this program also incorporates a link to a community service. Each level will have a theme highlighting the priority virtues for that year level in a sequential program.  We have linked with external organisations such as Mancave, Flourish Girl and The Resilience Project to add value and further expertise in these workshops.


  • Developing meaningful relationships - care and compassion
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Link to community service - Cancer Council
The highlight of the trip was the surfing lesson; a chance to release some energy before heading home. Overall, this year’s camp is one I will definitely remember!   
— Student, Year 8

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